Important Traffic Rules on Ching-Ming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day)

Dear students:
As the Ching-Ming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) is coming near, to avoid traffic accidents, please heed the following instructions:
1. Wear the helmet properly!
2. No phubbing when driving!
3. Do not overload your motorcycle!
4. Do not ride a motorcycle without a driver’s license!
5. Do not lend your motorcycle to anyone without a driver's license!
6. Give priority to pedestrians!
7. Avoid driving too close to large vehicles or together with them to protect your life, and watch out for cars when they change lanes in their blind spot!
8. Walk by side or on the sidewalk!
9. Follow traffic signals or police directions to cross the road, and do not run a red light!
10. When crossing the road, pay attention to the time of the little green man. When time is not enough, do not walk across!