- Application deadline: May 31, 2025.
- Admission notice : Letter of Admission will be sent on June 30, 2025.
- Application deadline: December 15, 2025
- Admission notice : Letter of Admission will be sent on January 20, 2026.
( Academic year Enrollment of Master degree: 17 students; Bachelor’s degree (4-Year Program): 210 students, Bachelor’s degree (2-Year Program): 15 students, and Associate Bachelor’s degree (5-Year Program): 5 students)
Fall 2025 Admission: starts in mid-September every year
Spring 2026 Admission: starts in mid-February every year
項次 Item | 申請資料項目 Required Materials | 份數 Copies |
1 |
入學申請表一式二份(附貼6 個月內2 吋半身脫帽近照) ※必繳 Two copies of application form. (A 2-inch photo taken in the last 6 months must be attached to the form.) ※Must be attached |
2 |
2 |
經我國駐外館處驗證通過之最高學歷證明文件影本1 份及成績單正本1 份(中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或 英文譯本)※必繳 One photocopy of the applicant’s highest education diploma and one original official transcript of the highest education diploma notarized and stamped by the foreign representative office of the R.O.C. (If written in a language other than Chinese and English, these should be translated into Chinese or English and notarized.) ※Must be attached |
1 |
3 |
足夠在臺就學之財力證明,或政府、大專校院或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明。(新台幣 10 萬元以上或 美金 3,000 元以上的金額) ※必繳 Financial proof that shows financial sustainability for study in Taiwan, or proof of full scholarship provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization. (Minimum of balance TWD 100,000 or USD 3,000 is required.) ※Must be attached |
1 |
4 |
切結書(身分及學歷申請資格切結書) ※必繳 Declaration. ※Must be attached |
1 |
5 |
自傳及讀書計畫 ※必繳 Autobiography and Study Plan. ※Must be attached |
1 |
6 |
護照影本(具姓名及國籍之頁面)※必繳 One photocopy of the passport page bearing the name and nationality of the holder. ※Must be attached |
1 |
7 |
中文能力程度證明(「華語文能力測驗」《TOCFL》)※必繳 Certificate of Chinese Proficiency. (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language 【TOCFL】) ※Must be attached |
1 |
8 |
網路申請資料及郵寄紙本資料(須同步繳交) ※必繳 ※Must be attached Online application materials and mailing application materials must be submitted at the same time Registration system |
1 |
9 |
中、英文推薦書 ※非必繳 Letter of Recommendation in English or Chinese. ※Optional |
1 |
1. 第二項的文件必須經過您就讀學校所在地的台灣辦事處或大使館驗證;台灣辦事處或大使館查詢請洽: https://www.mofa.gov.tw/Default.aspx 。
2. 申請大學部課的學生,應檢附經驗證的高中畢業證書及成績單;申請研究所課程的學生,應檢附經驗證的大學畢業證書及成績單。應屆畢業生若尚未取得畢業證書,必須請就讀學校出具正式文件證明已具畢業資格。
3. 大部分的系所學程以中文授課,申請者需要具備優秀的中文能力。
4. 各系所若有特別要求相關資料或文件,將另行通知。
5. 致理科技大學保留取消或扣發獎助學金的權利。
1. Documents of item no. 2 must be certified by R.O.C. (Taiwan) Overseas Embassies & Missions in the country of their original schools.
(Please find the list of Embassies Abroad at following link: https://www.mofa.gov.tw/Default.aspx )
2. Applicants who apply for the bachelor degree program, need to submit the notarized secondary school/senior high school's graduation certificate and transcript; applicants who apply for the master degree program, need to submit the notarized university diploma and transcript. If you are going to be the new graduate, please contact your original school to provide an official statement mentions that you will be graduate in time.
3. Except the fully English taught programs, most of undergraduate and graduate programs are conducted in Chinese, it's required that applicants are proficient in Chinese language skills.
4. Other documents might be required by certain departments; in this case, the applicants will be informed.
5. Chihlee University of Technology reserve the right to cancel or withhold the scholarship and/or if it suspects that a student has not registered for academic reasons.